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Having been spoilt by Chester Zoo it is hard to be amazed by the smaller zoo’s in the UK. Cages are generally smaller and there is a definate feeling that these places have less money. I like to think, however, that the animals at these smaller zoo’s are still well cared for and generate the same message to the public. I know many people disagree with zoo’s (my sister included), but if you set-aside the past, where a collection of animals was for the mere amusement of those in power, and learn to appreciate the zoo as an educational tool, I think you can look past this necessary evil. Modern zoo’s, conservation parks or whatever the P.C. word is nowadays, are rescuing badly treated animals, helping endangered species and telling us all about it. It’s a shame the general public can do very little other than give the admission price.
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Just before Christmas I took a trip to Donna Nook in Lincolnshire. The roads were comparable to an ice rink and the lack of ‘facilities’, once off the motorway, nearly had me in stitches (and not the funny kind). Once there, however, the seals were beautiful and their ‘love me’ eyes would make even Percy Wetmore melt into a puddle of mush.
It is worth noting that however cute and innocent these little chappies look they are wild animals and I cannot stress enough how important it is to love them from a distance. I heard stories of ill-informed (or maybe just ignorant) people climbing over the fencing that stretches along the beach and getting ‘up-close and personal’ with the seals. Not only can this lead to mothers abonding their new bairns but can also result in a well deserved bite.
Alas, I did tear myself away from these delightful creatures, I believe the arctic temperatures and knowledge that they would leave me anyway helped, but I have marked it in my calendar for 2010 to revisit Donna Nook. Am already looking forward to it!
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There is a perfect spot at Lyme Park for viewing the Fallow Deer close up. Most people walk straight past without realising how close they can get to the Deer without disturbing them. What a closely guarded secret I keep! This was taken with my 300mm and 2X convertor about a week before upgrading to my latest 400mm lens.