Rat Pics

It’s too hot…
June 28, 2009, 3:28 pm
Filed under: Tessblog

Having spent most of the yesterday sat on the green bin carefully watching black cat lie on their driveway I was determined to spend Sunday doing as little as possible.
Sunday started badly, I was checking Grandmas garden and did my usual taste test of the various leaves and plastic tags when I managed to lodge a piece of grass between my teeth. Well, I attempted to remove this piece of grass using my paws but to no avail. I then decided to see what Mum had near her shiny, blue box and was rumaging under the desk looking for something to attach the grass to when Mum woke up unexpectedly. I followed her up the stairs and showed her the grass hoping she would do something about it. By now I was getting quite frustrated with the piece of grass stuck between my teeth. The flower was tickling my nose and I couldnt bare to go outside.
Anyway, Mum picked me up and before I could do anything she had pulled the grass from my teeth. Let me tell you, it was a huge relief I thought I would never be rid of the grass and would not be able to eat ever again.
Mums are good sometimes, even if she did pick me up. There should be some sort of day to celebrate mums….


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